22 November 2008

My Loves in Paris

Paris. The city of love. I found love in Paris.

A list of my loves:E.H. Gombrich-- The art historian who accompanied me through the Paris museums. The two of us had a grand time. He walked me through every time period and painter. I particularly liked what he had to say about Rembrandt while we stood in front of his work.

Bethany-- We're just good friends, not lovers. But, I love her nonetheless.

Gargoyle on Notre Dame-- I don't know how many pictures I took of this guy-- too many to count. But, when someone is so attractive and you are together on top of Paris, you just can't control the camera.

Tony-- He fell in love first, but it didn't take me long to be swept off my feet. All he had to say was, "Laura, my lover... Oh, Laura, Laura, Laura, I love you." And that's was that; we were engaged. I've never been charmed so fast. He asked if we could take a picture together for our marriage announcement. He invited me to come back behind the counter for the picture. I couldn't stop laughing. The best part was, he charged me 4.50 euros instead of 5 for my crepe.

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