19 August 2011

Our Truck

So, I drive a truck.

It's grey and big and it's really actually his truck. But I drive it because well, it's a long story about how he has a job that lets him use another car and we already have this grey truck and I don't have my own car, so if I want to drive at all, I get to take a gas-guzzling, diesel-fuel-running, neighborhood-noise-ordinance-violating truck.

This is something I never expected. Not that I ever really expected anything that's happened to me up to this point in my life. Okay, maybe I expected to graduate college (which I did! last April! wahoo!). And maybe I expected to be married someday-- but even that's iffy.

But I definitely never expected the truck. When he picked me up for my first date and I walked out my front door to see a big truck in the driveway, I thought-- Dang, a truck guy?! Why didn't I see this one coming? Of course it would be a truck. Shoot. This will never work. I was smitten with him before we even went on the first date. I've never been smitten with trucks. The association of him and the truck, the truck and him, was entirely disappointing.

I don't know why I'm telling you this, perhaps it's a prelude to this picture, which for some reason brings out all sorts of lovey feelings in me, not because the picture looks like an epic, manly truck advertisement, which it kind of does, right?

We got engaged in this truck. We would've gotten out of the truck, but it was a frozen ice-land outside. And silly me, I wasn't expecting the big proposal, so I didn't wear shoes when he suggested we go on a "drive." (See paragraph three where I allude to the fact that I didn't expect marriage.)

We've dated in this truck, kissed in this truck, driven countless country roads in this truck. I sit in the middle, right next to him in this truck. See this song. We took this truck to Bryce National Park for our anniversary, and we took this picture-- my man and his truck.

And I would never admit this to anyone's face, because I've spent so much energy building-up the "I hate trucks" image (especially with him); but some days, today being one of them, I love our truck and all things unexpected. 


Katie said...

I'm glad you're posting again. and I get to drive his scooter to school this year... something unexpected. but turns out I LOVE it! keep posting, please. your writing is so refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Your definition made me laugh! LOL! But that's how love moves in mysterious ways… together with the truck! Well, you're lucky to have him, Laura. Cheers to you and to your ride! :D

~Alton Tomaselli